Breast cancer awareness month
October 05, 2024

Breast cancer awareness month

Did you know?

  • There are around 56,000 new cases of breast cancer in women every year in the UK; that's over 150 new cases every day, and is the most common cancer in women.
  • The UK has an estimated 1 in 7 lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. 
  • In 2021 85% of breast cancers were diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 (early stages), meaning that treatments and cure is more likely to be successful.
  • Breast cancer mortality rates have been declining and are projected to fall by 13% between 2023 and 2040.

How to reduce the Risk:

Breast cancer is multifactorial and some breast cancers are genetic, so it is important to know if you are at increased risk from your family history (and check your breasts more regularly or discuss with your doctor).

Modifiable risk factors include:

  • Reducing alcohol intake - drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer in women, and drinking alcohol excessively in men increases the risk.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight - obesity increases the risk by around 30%. This is because fat tissue produces excess amounts of oestrogen and high oestrogen levels are associated with breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers. 
  • Keeping active - regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 20%


To check your breasts regularly -

If you notice any changes or concerns report it to a healthcare professional immediately.

You can also sign up to to send you a reminder text monthly to check your breasts!


* 10% of all profits from October 2024 will be donated to breastcanceruk charity.

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